Views: 28 Author: PQWT Publish Time: 2022-04-29 Origin: PQWT
Since there is running water transported by underground pipes, it does not take long to have water leakage problems, and it will be found that there may not be signs on the surface when the leakage occurs, and even if water seeps out from the surface, the seepage point may not be the leakage point, especially when the ground is covered with cement and other covering layers. In order to accurately measure the location of the leak in a timely manner, people continue to research and explore a variety of detection methods. Among them are regional installed table method, sound listening method, sound vibration method, infrared method, tracer element method, ground radar method, related signal detection method and buried medium physical properties change detection method, we should understand that any kind of detection method is essentially the detection of water leakage caused by a certain effect, the more obvious the corresponding effect detection is easier the more effective this method will be, because the focus is different, these methods also have their own advantages and Limitations. The following is a brief description of each.
(1) regional meter method: refers to a certain area in the water supply network, will enter this area of the flow meter and out of this area of the flow meter statistical comparison, the difference must be the unmeasured loss between this area, if no other unmeasured consumption, it can be known that the leakage loss between this area, which will be "in the mind" to the manager. The more dense the metered segmentation area, the clearer the segmentation, the clearer the understanding of the leakage loss of each segment. But it is not possible to install meters too densely. This method can not determine the exact location of the leak, so it can not be used as the basis for specific repair, breaking open the road.
Point: water leakage causes poor measurement.
(2) sound listening method, sound vibration method: sound listening method refers to the use of some kind of pipe leak detector to listen to the sound of water leakage, according to the size of the leak sound and sound quality characteristics to determine the location of the leak, this method is most widely used, from simple mechanical listening to the leak stick, listening to the leak cake to all kinds of pipe leak detector, this method in essence should be called the sound vibration method. It is currently developing quite rapidly and is the method that will be highlighted in this handout. The relevant pipe leak detector should also belong to the acoustic vibration method system.
Key points: water leakage triggered by vibration and sound effects.
(3) infrared method refers to infrared scanning measurement in the pipe network area, underground leakage occurs, the local area and the surrounding temperature difference, infrared radiation will be different, infrared image will reflect this difference, the use of this difference can be found in the leak, noting that due to underground drainage, water conditions may be different due to other factors. Infrared radiation may also vary due to non-leakage factors, and the application of this method is limited.
Key point: water leakage triggers local changes in IR radiation (temperature effect).
PQWT is a professional organization engaged in the research and development of geological exploration equipment. It is mainly dedicated to the R&D, production, sales and service of physical prospecting water finder, pipe leak detector, pipeline detector, dike pipe surge detector, automatic analyzer for pressure pipeline leakage, in-well imager, cavity detector, prospector, pipe cleaner, thermal imager.