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Common Water Leak Detection Question And Answers And Methods To Find A Leak.

Views: 41     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-29      Origin: Site

How does acoustic leak technology work?

Leaks create a distinctive noise as water leaves the pipe, with smaller leaks producing a higher-frequency sound and larger leaks having a lower-frequency sound. An acoustic leak detection device locates leaks by characterising and differentiating leak sounds from those of normal water flow through the distribution system.

How can I tell if I have a water leak?

Locate your water meter and check the leak indicator to see if it is moving. If the dial is moving, chances are, you have a leak. Or, you can also take a meter reading and wait 1 or 2 hours and take another meter reading (make sure no water is used during this time). If the reading has changed, you have a leak.

What is a leak detection test?

Leaks can be extremely wasteful and costly. Regularly checking taps, pipes and fittings around your property could save precious water. Your water meter is a good place to start to perform a basic leak test.


What are some common leak detection methods to find a leak ?


Using sensitive microphones to enhance the sound of the leak – are placed on the ground and pipes.
The Acoustic profiling method can help in pinpointing precise leak location. Acoustic Leak Detection saves your time, efforts as at time you may not identify the exact leak location manually.


The Correlator equipment method is a very accurate sound testing device which is used to identify when a pipe is leaking.

Correlation is a method of finding and pinpointing leaks in water pipes. A leak in a pipe under pressure can create a noise that travels through the pipe, the surrounding ground and in the contents of the pipe. The correlator tool uses two identical sensors located along the pipe – it calculates and pinpoints the leak location by finding the delay in signal, sensor distance and sound velocity.


The trace gas – a safe non-toxic mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gas – is introduced into the pipe with the suspected leak.

The gas will exit at the leak point and make its way to the ground surface where it is then detected using gas sensitive detection probes.



Thermal Imaging is the use of an infrared imaging and measurement camera to “see” and “measure” thermal (heat) energy emitted from an object.

Thermography cameras can identify problem areas that can’t be seen readily with the naked eye, and makes detecting hidden water leaks easier even behind walls, ceilings and floors.

The infrared inspection camera can detect not only hidden water leaks but also their origin. Thermal Imaging can see moisture that cannot be physically reached with standard moisture meters.



Often the exact position of pipes, drains and cables is unknown. In order to carry out precise water leak detection and to avoid damage to other utilities during excavations, it is vital to know the precise position of all these extra services.

PQWT Professional Water Leak Detector .

PQWT Pipe Water Leak Detector is a professional instrument for water leakage from water supply companies, heating companies, municipal construction companies and property companies. They are mainly used to find and determine the location of leakage points of water supply pipeline, and they can also be used to detect the leakage of other pressure piping systems. When the fluid in pipeline erupts through leakage source due to the pressure, the noise produced by the impact on internal wall will spread along the pipeline or along the buried layer medium to the ground, and the instrument determines the leakage source through the amplification of leakage noise and the analysis of the spectrum signal.


For more details, Please contact PQWT Team!

