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PQWT-L50 indoor water leak detector can solve all indoor pipeline leakage

Views: 31     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-12-14      Origin: Site

Leak detection: how to detect and stop leaks

A leak is quite the bothersome damp problem. You often detect it way too late, when it has already caused quite some damage to your walls, floors or ceilings. Damp or mould patches, or an increasing water bill could be indicators of a leak. In that case you’d do well to let an expert perform a leak detection in order to detect and stop this leak. Read all about it in this article.


What can indicate a leak?

Indoor leaks are not always that easy to find. Sometimes it’s not clear if there’s even a leak to begin with, and it can damage your home for months without being noticed at all. It is often only when you can see its consequences, that you realise there even is a leak. The following problems could indicate such a leak:


1. Water damage and damp patches

Water damage is an obvious consequence of leaks. Pipes and drains are places where a leak can occur, but these are often hidden behind the wall. The water damage will occur behind the wall and therefore stay hidden for a long time. Over time this problem will reveal itself in the form of damp or mould patches on walls, floors or ceilings.


Should you notice this, it’s best to take action immediately and call a specialist to perform a leak detection. It’s not because damp or mould patches were formed in a certain place, that the leak is there as well. Water damage can swiftly expand to other places in the house than the one where the leak is actually located.


2. Faulty insulation

Leaks can also damage your insulation. Certain types of insulation, such as rock or glass wool, cannot withstand water and as a result they loose their insulating power.


When your energy costs are higher than usual, this could indicate that there’s a leak. A quick leak detection is of the utmost importance here as well, in order to prevent further damage to the insulation and higher energy costs.


3. High water bill

A leak causes the dissipation of water, water that you have to pay, even though you didn’t use it. The biggest tip we could ever give is to check your water bill every single month. When you see a sudden spike in your consumption, it should set alarm bells ringing.


Suspecting a leak? You could always check by keeping an eye on your meter reading. Make a note of your water levels before you go to sleep, and again in the morning. When your water level rose during the night, you can be sure there’s a leak somewhere. A thorough leak detection is the next thing to do.

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