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You can't get a tiger without entering a tiger's den! Example of remote guided ground water detector

Views: 19     Author: pqwt     Publish Time: 2023-02-21      Origin: PQWT

ground water detector

One of the problems often encountered in remote guidance is "not being there". What can be done to compensate for this? There is. This is: full service, follow-up guidance, treating the consultant's work as your own.

In this case, the consultant had already drilled a 60-meter dry hole in the yard of this household, which cost nearly 10,000 yuan. This well he approached us for consultation with apprehension.

We adopted a full-service, follow-up approach with him, sending us every line he measured in time, and then guiding him on his next move.

At first, he measured a line with ground water detector, and asked him to conduct a misalignment retest, but it was totally inconsistent, and when we asked him, we realized that the soil layer here was only 1 to 2 meters thick. I told him to go to the place where the soil layer is thick, the thinner the soil layer, the more false anomalies", and then he went to the place where the soil layer is three meters thick to measure. Because the neighbors did not cooperate, the ground water detector did not allow the well to be drilled. In this small area of the yard, a total of six lines were measured before finding a place with anomalies (as shown in the figure) and verified by misalignment retesting.

ground water detector

The depth of this low value anomaly is between 17 and 45 meters, somewhat shallow, with or without water, depending on the depth of the hydrostatic level. There is a claim that the static water level here is 28 meters, and if that is true this low value anomaly is not working. According to the video he sent, we think the static water level should be 7 to 8 meters after repeated analysis. Measurement area in Sichuan Province, Bazhou City, the annual rainfall of 1719 mm, more rainfall, playing this shallow low value should not be a problem. The actual hit at 31 meters out of the water, the pump can not pump dry (the core taken out is two halves), completed the task of water package.

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