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Drilling water wells requires an in-depth understanding of groundwater and its types

Views: 15     Author: PQWT     Publish Time: 2022-05-20      Origin: pqwt

The drilling of water wells has replaced the traditional inefficient manual drilling. Water below the horizontal surface becomes groundwater, which is formed when water from the surface of the earth enters below the ground by infiltration. Ground water includes all water resources such as rivers, streams and lakes, and pumping ground water to the surface requires drilling a water well. An in-depth understanding of ground water and its types is very helpful for successful well drilling.


ground water detectors

Groundwater exists in the interstices of underground rocks or soil and can be divided into three types: upper water, submerged water and pressurized water.


Upper Water

The water closest to the surface, in direct contact with the atmosphere and surface water, this layer of water can exchange substances directly with the ground and is not suitable for direct drinking. It is the gravity water that exists above the local water barrier in the satiated air belt, and is generally not widely distributed. It is the groundwater that is stored by the local water barrier when precipitation or surface water seeps down, and this water is directly related to the season and climate.



The water layer above the first water barrier (completely impermeable rock layer or soil layer, etc.), which is in direct interaction with the upper water layer, and therefore also vulnerable to pollution from the surface environment. The advantage of this layer is that it is relatively easy to obtain, and it is this layer that is obtained by manual drilling in most areas, without the need to drill into the rock or soil.


Pressurized water

Pressurized water is the water layer between two water separators, and it is healthier to use this type of water because it is blocked by the water separator and contaminants from the surface cannot fully penetrate the water layer. Hydrogeological drilling is to extract this type of water source by drilling through the water barrier and pumping it down to the surface for irrigation.


To find water sources, you can use pqwt new generation ground water detectors which are easy to carry, simple to operate, automatic map formation and high accuracy.