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How is the water pipe pre-buried installed? How to check the leakage point after the leakage?

Views: 9     Author: pqwt     Publish Time: 2023-02-08      Origin: PQWT

For buildings, in the process of construction, many of our pipelines, including water pipes, wiring, are pre-buried in the wall or in the ground. And when the building is delivered, it must be ensured that these pipelines are of qualified quality and cannot be broken and leaking. So for the pre-buried water pipes, how do we check for leaks?

pipe leak detection

How to check the leakage of pre-buried water pipes?

About how to check the leakage of pre-buried water pipes? Personally, we should first understand the specific practice of pre-buried water pipes, and then take the correct inspection method according to the practice of these pre-buried water pipes. So in the following home miscellaneous forum in accordance with this idea first with you to answer the practice of pre-buried water pipes, and then come to you to analyze the problem of pre-buried water pipe leakage inspection.

Question (a): What is the practice of pre-buried water pipes?

In this question, the so-called pre-buried is buried in advance in our walls or concrete pipes, these are called pre-buried. Pre-buried is relative to the secondary installation modification arrangement. For the pre-buried water pipes, there are two common practices as follows.

①: the main pipe into the home. For the pre-buried water pipeline have an entry of the main pipe, this entry of the main pipe from the outdoor water meter to our indoor. Like the common building are in the building's plumbing pipe well, from the lower entrance of the water meter to connect a pipe, and then go under the ground into our indoor. So this main pipe is divided into two parts, one is the outdoor part of the corridor, and the other is the indoor part under the ground.

②: Indoor water pre-buried branch pipe. The pre-buried indoor tap water branch pipe includes two parts: one is the kitchen tap water branch pipe, and the other is the bathroom tap water branch pipe. The current stage of common practice are only one, is to do the branch from the main pipe into the home. In other words, our main pipe from the outdoor access to the farthest point indoors, and then in the process of access to one of the kitchen a bathroom. This is done by installing a tee in the main pipe.

Question (2): How to determine whether the pre-buried water pipes are leaking?

The first thing we have to detect when we check the plumbing problem is whether there is a leak in the water pipe. For determining whether there is a leak in the fruit, the conventional method is to take the pressure test of the water line. You can follow the steps below.

①: all the indoor water pipes will be closed. Here the closure refers to the entry of the main water pipe shut-off door, and then the indoor water points of each branch of the valve closed to ensure that our indoor water pipe is an independent part of the cut off.

②: Access to the pressurizer. We can connect the piping of the booster at any point of water use indoors. For example, we have connected the presser at the bathroom sink location, which is usually installed using the inner wire on the wall. At this point, you can use the manual pressurizer to slowly increase the pressure.

③: Determine the leakage. We will indoor tap water pressure up to 0.8MPa, and then to the location of the possible indoor gas exhaust, exhaust pressure will drop, and then the pressure will rise to 0.8MPa. 15 minutes to observe, if the pressure drop value is not greater than 0.03MPa, then it is qualified. If the pressure drop value is large, it means there is leakage.

Question (3): How to find the leakage point of pre-buried water pipes?

For finding the leakage point of indoor water pipe, there are two methods used routinely: one is by playing pressure, and the other is a direct use of leak detector to find. Here is a brief introduction to these two methods.

Method ①: pressurization to find. The so-called pressure finding, is to increase the pressure of our tap water, in the case of pressure increase, the leakage of tap water will certainly intensify. For example, if there is a leak somewhere on the ground, after the pressure is raised at home, the leak in this place will become obvious, and it is possible that water will come up from the ground. This is basically how you can determine the general location of a leaky water pipe. Then take the method of chiseling to find the pipe, and eventually follow the direction of the water flow to find the leakage point.

pipe leak detection

Method ②: Leak detector search. The so-called leak detector to find, is the use of special water pipe leak detection instrument to find the leak. This is to rely on the sound of the water pipe leak to determine, but the use of water pipe leak detector is very expensive. The specific use of our home is the normal opening of the water pipe, and then use the leak detector along the direction of the line, a little bit of listening, so you can accurately find the location of the leak.

Personal advice: ①, if the pre-buried water pipes in our homes have leaks, the personal view given is to increase the leakage by playing pressure, so as to determine the way to find the leak. ②, our judgment of water leakage before the water pipe, to determine the general direction of the indoor pre-buried water pipe. Then it will be more convenient for us to find the leakage point along the way. ③, if we plan to renovate our home, before the renovation must be pre-buried water pipes in our homes to ensure that the quality of pre-buried water pipes is qualified, and then to renovate, so as to avoid disputes later.