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Underground pipeline detector positioning method

Views: 4     Author: pqwt     Publish Time: 2023-03-16      Origin: PQWT

Underground pipeline is an important infrastructure of the city. In recent years, with the development of urban construction, vigorous development of transportation systems, energy systems, communications, information networks, such as railroads, subways, light rail, power supply, heating, gas supply, etc.. The implementation of each project is inseparable from the underground pipeline, an important hidden infrastructure. For various reasons, the pipeline information is incomplete, some do not match with the status quo, and various pipeline rights belong to different departments, not enough attention to pipeline management, which increases the difficulty of pipeline management. In the construction of the project, often due to the location of the pipeline is unknown digging pipeline, resulting in water, electricity, communication interruptions and other accidents, bringing great inconvenience to people's lives. In order to avoid these conditions, identifying the location and direction of underground pipelines has become an essential prerequisite for engineering construction, which is of great significance for promoting the harmonious development of urban construction.

Underground pipeline detector

1Valley method

Underground pipeline detector valley value method is also known as the very small value method. Is the use of pipeline meter vertical coil measurement of the magnetic flux of the electromagnetic field, when the pipeline meter moves to the top of the pipeline, the vertical component of the electromagnetic field is 0, according to the very small value point position to determine the plane location of the pipeline.

The method is characterized by: simple principle, underground pipeline detector display intuitive, high positioning sensitivity, the disadvantage is susceptible to side signal interference, when the measurement of the pipeline near other equivalent or stronger signal, the pipeline detector coil receives other magnetic flux thus affecting the correctness of pipeline positioning. The valley method is only applicable to simple conditions, no neighboring interference or distance from the interfering object when the signal is extremely weak, fast track the pipeline direction.

2 peak method

Underground pipeline detector peak method is also known as the method of great value. Is the use of pipeline meter horizontal coil to measure the magnetic flux of the electromagnetic field, the peak method is divided into two kinds of wide peak method and narrow peak method. Wide peak method is to use only the lower horizontal coil detection, when the pipeline meter moves to the top of the pipeline, the horizontal component of the electromagnetic field is the largest, according to the wide peak method to determine the plane location of the pipeline.

The characteristics of this method are: not as intuitive as the valley method, small changes in magnetic flux near the pipe line directly above, and therefore less sensitive. Narrow peak method is to use the upper horizontal coil and lower horizontal coil to detect at the same time, when the pipeline meter moves directly above the pipeline, the horizontal component of the electromagnetic field is the maximum, according to the narrow peak method to determine the plane position of the pipeline.